Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Major update!!

Yesterday I was having a great day until I kept on getting pressure headaches. I called Doctor Mahdavi and he told me to head to the Emergency Room. Once I got there I had an MRI on my brain. The MRI showed that the mass has grown and there is swelling. We don't know if the mass is cancer for sure or not. We do see the swelling from the brain is causing the brain to shift over towards the right side. So now I have been admitted back in the hospital. I am taking aggressive steroids because it helps the swelling in the brain go down. Also I am now taking my seizure meds again to prevent them from happening. I have never had one before but that's ok to take those meds. Now I am waiting for my brain doctor Dr. Duma to figure out what to do next. We are now going to ignore the lung treatment because the brain is more important!! As soon as I find out what Dr. Duma wants to do, I will let you all know. Believe...


  1. You will just have even more prayers now than ever before! Love you Renee!!

  2. Renee... you are an inspiration to us all! We are praying for you and thinking of you and your family xoxoxox
    Brit, Chris, Wyatt and Lil Hudson

  3. You know we are rooting for you over here... You have the best where you are at and we BELIEVE... Love ya!! The Zaldo clan

  4. We love you Nae and send our love and prayers. Hang in there, you have soooo many people sending good thoughts your way.
    Love Mony,Pat, Miles and Maddy

  5. love you renee fck cancer
