Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A fun day!

So today i went to the cancer day hospital to get a shot for my white blood cells. I am still feeling kind of spacey so i decided to go back upstairs to Dr. Mahdavis office to get hydration. As i sit there receiving hydration, my sweet nurse Christina took my blood just to check it out early. It ends up that all of my counts have dropped! My white count is low to where i am nutropenic which means i have no immune system. My red blood is also extremely low and i am needing 2 units of blood! That is why i have been so spacey lately and it was not from being dehydrated. So after my hydration and a fabulous lunch at the doctors office i had to go back down to the day hospital for my blood transfusion. It is amazing how much better you do feel after it is over. It does gross me out still to receive someone else's blood. You would think i should be use to blood by now especially after reading the book Twilight. Though i do tolerate it. So i need to head back tomorrow for unit 2 and more shots. At least i am feeling better everyday. Everyday is a new day and a new experience..Believe!

1 comment:

  1. this is why you usually stay for the extra week at Hoag Dr Benson! hee hee. Glad to hear the transfusions are making you feel better! xoxo Mary
