Monday, January 11, 2010

Update 1/11/10

Renee is getting some sleep now before having a bronchosopy which is a procedure which allows her doctors to look at her airway through a thin viewing instrument called a bronchoscope. They are doing this to find out why the stent is not working. She has been in a lot of pain which means she is on pain medication. She is very loopy and tired so she is not taking visitors or calls. She still gets text messages and voice mails and very much appreciates them! I ask that you pray for her today (and everyday) and for her doctors. I am sure a lot of you have received this prayer from me already but for those who have not, here it is:

Dear Lord,

You know my friend so much better than I do. You know her sickness and the burden she carries. You also know her heart. Lord, I ask you to be with my friend now, working in her life. Let your will be done in my friend's life. If there is a sin that needs to be confessed and forgiven, Lord, please help her to see her need to confess. Lord, I pray for my friend because your Word says I should pray for her healing. I BELIEVE you hear this earnest prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of your promise. I have faith in you to heal my friend, but also trust in the plan that you have for her life. Lord, I don't always understand your ways, and why my friend has to suffer, but I trust you. I ask that you look with mercy and grace toward my friend. Nourish her spirit and soul in this time of suffering and comfort her with your presence. Let my friend know that you are there with her through this difficulty. And may you be glorified in her name and also in mine.


I will post another blog later today when I know more on how things went. Thank you!


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