Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wednesday night was pretty bad. I couldn't breath so I wasn't able to sleep and I had pressure in my chest causing me to wheeze. Thursday morning I went to Hoag to get a shot but they sent me straight to ER because of how dehydrated I was and my chest pain was worse. I spent the day in the ER and we found out that I have pneumonia and I am Neutropinic (which means my counts have dropped to a dangerous low). They did scans and found that the tumor looked the same and decided to treat me as if I have Pneumonia. They are treating me with heavy antibiotics because of how low my white blood count is. My body is unable to fight it on it's own. I have been checked in to the hospital to monitor me since I have no immunity. They are now doubling my booster shots which are SUPER painful and I am also taking electrolytes along with my anti-biotic. With the pain in my mouth and throat, they have put on a liquid diet and I am having some serious "tummy problems"!! I won't go into detail with that. I am also vomiting which really sucks! I am getting two units of blood because my red count dropped so much. I have not been sleeping so I need a lot of rest and though I appreciate visitors, I would appreciate it if you call before coming. I am going to attempt to eat some yogurt so wish me luck! Thank God for Immodium! BELIEVE!!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there honey! We are so inspired by you! We believe!
