Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Continued Strength...


Renee's family has requested that we keep visitors to family only at this time. The enormous amounts of love and support everyone has been showing and sharing with Renee and her family is priceless...at this time though it is important for our girl to get the rest she needs to keep her strength up.

Please continue to blog, email, text, pray, and BELIEVE in our super star. :-)

With love,

1 comment:

  1. you will get through this....please, do it quick so you can put me in check :) you're such a wonderful person, and reading everything all your friends are posting shows how you shine like the sun. my whole family KNOWS you're going to bounce back from this. its hard to know exactly what to write, but i want you to know how much you are loved by my family and myself. you're one of a kind :)

    like you always tell me, stay strong!!!
    tons of <3
