Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good doctor visit

So this morning I went to Dr. Mahdavi's office, who is my wonderful oncologist, to check my blood counts and they are up and normal. I was very surprised since I still have a cough & cold and I have been pretty tired lately. I thought if my counts were better everything else would be perfect, right? I guess I am healthy with a normal cold. It shall pass just like this stupid cancer! We have decided that this Sunday would be the perfect day to go back in to start chemo. The doctor said I have to do the chemo every 3 weeks and this Saturday would be exactly 3 weeks! I am feeling really strong about going back in on Sunday for the start of round 2 of chemo. After this treatment is done I finally get my first CT scan to see how much this mass has decreased in size. I know it has decreased and it will continue to shrink and die. I know this and I do BELIEVE. My doctor is letting me go in on Sunday because I am being treated to a few relaxing days at a friends home in Palm Springs with my sister and her boyfriend. I am looking forward to reading and laying out (in the hot shade). Thanks again!

1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful girl Renee. Stay Strong. Noah's is proud.

    xoxo Emma
