Thursday, January 14, 2010

Update 1-14-10

Today Renee was very alert and aware of everyone. She was awake the majority of the day and looked directly into our eyes as we would talk to her and although she wasn't responding verbally, she did in her own little Renee way. I was feeding her an avocado and she actually spit it on me! She still has her smart ass sense of humor even though she is not able to communicate.
The doctors believe that her not responding is from the chemo and is only temporary. In the next few days, she will have finished with this particular chemo that is causing this side effect and we believe she will be back to her chatty self. I still feel very positive about everything. She is handling it with so much strength!
I know there have been blogs and rumors of other outcomes and I can't express more that it is not true. Are girl is doing great! Unfortunately, I do not have the code did get her voice mails or I would play them for her. If you would like to send texts, I can read them to her. Thank you again!

1 comment:

  1. we love you renee kick this things ass i know you can do it , be strong , love ya -mike curtis
